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Women have been granted equal status constitutionally, with laws amended over time to reflect this. The 2005 amendment to the Hindu Succession Act allowed daughters equal rights to sons in property succession, leading to confusion about its retroactive application. The Supreme Court clarified in Vine Sharma vs. Rakesh Sharma (2020) that the amendment is retroactive, resolving ambiguity and ensuring uniform interpretation.
- Dr. KANTARAJ TAVANE, Advocate.
The judgment quashes the endorsement made by the Sub-Registrar that denied the petitioner the registered sale deed due to the absence of an '11E' sketch. The court found the endorsement to be illegal and arbitrary, directing the Sub-Registrar to hand over the sale deed without requiring the sketch. Additionally, the court ordered the State to amend its online registration system to allow for the uploading of documents without the '11E' sketch, ensuring compliance across all registering authorities in Karnataka.

Suraj Lamp & Industries Pvt. Ltd. v. State of Haryana & Anr. (Special Leave Petition (C) No. 13917 of 2009)
Validity of transactions involving Sale Agreements, General Power of Attorney, and Wills
Bernard Francis Joseph
and others
Government of Karnataka
and others
A person cannot be deprived of his property without him being paid adequate compensation in accordance with law for the same. Though Right to Property is no more a fundamental right, in view of the provisions of Article 300-A of the Constitution of India, it is a constitutional right.